Light scattering programs - a list of
interactive MS Windows executables * Free binaries to simulate optical properties of (nano)particles of various shape * Free executables * Nanoshells * Nanoparticles
A list of interactive MS Windows executables
of my light scattering programs
axspartcl determines the
scattering properties of single gold nanoparticles of different
shapes (sphere, spheroid, cylinder/rod/pillar, Chebyshev particle) in air.
- caxsrefl
incorporates the lattice sums within a photonic LKKR
code for the calculation of reflection, transmission and absorption
(RTA) of an electromagnetic plane wave incident on a square
array of finite length cylinders arranged on a homogeneous
slab of finite thickness.
chew calculates the
total radiated power and the power loss due to Ohmic losses
of an electric dipole interacting woth a coated SiO2@X@SiO2
sphere in water. Refractive index of SiO2 is taken to be 1.45,
that of water 1.33, and that of X you
can supply yourself. For an interactive Windows executable
generated from chewfs, see an
on-line Appendix A of my
Chem. Phys. 117(1), 1-15 (2005).
- crmnt calculates various approximate decay
rates of a dipole in a proximity of a sphere as discussed in my article on
Non-radiative decay of a dipole emitter close to a metallic nanoparticle:
Importance of higher-order multipole contributions,
Opt. Commun. 283(10), 2277-2287 (2010).
- effe calculates the effective medium
properties of a composite of coated Au@SiO2 spheres in air with volume fraction of 34%.
The code and executable are to be used for wavelengths typically at least one order of
magnitude longer than the sphere radius.
rta1in2k calculates
reflection, transmission, and absorption (RTA) off a finite
2D photonic crystal stack of silver rods.
sphere calculates the
scattering off a single SiO2@Au coated sphere, or nanoshell, in air.
Refractive index of SiO2 in the sphere core was taken to be 1.45.
In order for the executable to run, it is required that you download
material data files agc.dat.txt, Audat.dat.txt
and Aumdat.dat.txt
(for security reasons, *.dat files cannot be posted; therefore
the additional *.txt extension), which you have to save as
agc.dat, Audat.dat, and Aumdat.dat,
respectively, in the same directory as the executables.
Refreshing some of plasmonic headlines
Basic properties of
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Negative refractive index material
headlines long before Veselago work and going back as far as to 1904...
Selected Links on Photonics,
Photonic Crystals, Numerical Codes, Free Software
A Drude model fit parameters to the dielectric function
of free electron metals
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© Alexander Moroz,
October 29, 2009