Alexander Moroz Home Page

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Alexander Moroz

e-mail: wavescattering  at

Personal history:

Without having own group and working on my own (since 2003 without any funding and working in my free time only), Scopus has recorded over 2800 citations in over 2200 scientific papers since 1995 on my publications and assigns me an h-index of 31 [see a recent snapshot of my Scopus record]. Google Scholar counts over 3800 citations to my publications and assigns me the h-index of 36.

Follow me on:

I'm a member of OSA

Special skills:

You can communicate with me in the Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Polish, Russian, Slovak, and Ukrainian languages.

My free-time research interests

Various subjects of theoretical physics, including general scattering theory, numerical solution of electromagnetic scattering problems, negative refractive index metamaterials, luminescence and scattering properties of small metal nanoparticles, affinity sensors, subwavelength nanoguides, surface plasmons, optical imaging of biotissues, quantum optics, light-matter interactions, theory of optical tweezers, and physics of photonic band-gap structures, or, photonic crystals. My work before 2001 has been summarized in the contribution Towards complete photonic band gap structures below infrared wavelengths to the Proceedings of the NATO ASI Photonic Crystals and Light Localization in the 21st Century, pp. pp. 373-382 (Kluwer, Amsterdam, 2001) and in the contribution K7.5, Photonic Crystals at Near-Infrared and Optical Wavelengths [pdf], in the Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting 2001 - vol. 708, BB symposium.

    See also popular highlights such as 3D topological insulators go photonic, Guiding surface waves, and and Tungsten Crystals Could Provide More Power for Electrical Devices. You will find more about why a periodic array of metal rods may be the best way to create narrow, high-frequency microwave signals for everything from satellites to cell phones in Lattice Sends a Crystal Clear Signal. Some additional information, together with selected photonic web links, is supplied below:

Full list of my scientific publications | My top 10 most cited publications | Popularization articles, opinions, and newspaper articles (in Czech)

My latest publications:

Previous scientific highlights:

[ An early (pre)history of acoustic and photonic crystals | Some photonic crystal headlines, at least 25 years old ... ]
[Photonic and computational links | An early history of negative refractive index metamaterials ]

Press releases:

ANU press relase Multidimensional study offers new vision for optical tech, reprinted in, together with International team sheds new light on artificial intelligence technology, and Andrey's blog, all at the occasion of release of Nature Photonics (2019)

Interview with local newspaper Humensky Korzar, 12.07.2015 (in Slovak) [pdf]

Interview with local newspaper Podvihorlatske noviny, 21.11.2011 (in Slovak)

Crystals of metal spheres may enable tunable CPBG's, High-Tech Materials Alert, April 14, 2000

Personal honours and anti-honours

Numerical codes

Some pictures and videos

[Ever heard of supervulcano, mega-tsunami, supermassive black holes, or superbug?
Find more in Horizon archive of a magnificent BBC Horizon series]
[ Why God never received tenure at a university | Danger in making predictions ]
[ How to distinguish between work and prison]
[ Rejecting Nobel class articles and resisting Nobel class discoveries]
[ Web page of my former Soft Condensed Matter Group of the University of Utrecht| AMOLF ]

[ Back to Main page | Full list of my scientific publications | List of my publications in Scopus | My most frequently cited articles ]

[ My freely available electromagnetic, photonic crystals, plasmonic and (nano)photonics F77 computer codes ]

[ Selected Links on Photonics, Photonic Crystals, Numerical Codes, Free Software ]

© Alexander Moroz, last updated on July 3, 2024

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